+63 968 706 3834​
Subsidiary of YRA Holdings Corporation

Payroll Process & HR Management
A lot of companies today, whether small or large, tend to focus more on functional work that’s got the remarkable effect on their core business rather than those other responsibilities without direct contribution. Learning the legal guidelines and how it impacts your company’s payroll is exactly what we do best. We have been helping clients to concentrate on the factors that matter most, regardless of their business size.
Payroll processing is an essential administrative task that should be taken care of in the most efficient manner. Some small businesses might find it a challenging task to keep a track of payroll regulations and withholding tables. Thus, an inadequate understanding of calculating payroll amounts and deductions makes the job more deceptively difficult. As a result, companies like us that offer outsource payroll services were being hired by businesses to alleviate themselves from payroll tensions.
Yra Outsourcing and Business Solutions provide adaptable, accurate and effective payroll solutions customized to any type of business prerequisites. Our outsourcing solutions unload businesses from non-direct but equally essential processes such as payroll works. We make your entire payroll processing less complicated and cost efficient, thus saving you a reasonable amount of time, money and effort.
What we need from us is a complete employee information, including new hires, pay increases, withholding tax deductions, as well as other alterations in payroll. Our full-service payroll solution will then do the rest of the job. We are also able to process regular and non-regular payroll of employees and make preparations on monthly and annual reports.
As a professional team in the field, we guarantee to keep your payroll data in a maximum discretion. We execute your payroll processing and aid you in legal compliance in regards to payroll services.
For more information on how we’re able to assist you with your Payroll Needs, you can contact us.
Payroll Services include:
For our Philippine clients:
Employee Gross Salaries and Wages (for Above and Minimum Wage Earners)
Withholding Tax on Compensation
Fringe Benefit Tax
Employee and Employer Government Contributions Reporting (i.e. SSS, HDMF, & PHIC)
Accrued Leaves (i.e. Vacation, Sick, Maternity, etc.)
Payslip Preparation
Payroll Reporting
For our Australian Clients:
Employee Gross Wages and Salaries
PAYG Withholding Computation
Group Certificates Preparation
Accrued Leaves Computation (i.e. Personal, Sick, etc.)
Superannuation Computation
Superfund Payment to SMSF
Superannuation Guarantee Charge Statement Preparation
Payslip Preparation
Payroll Reporting